6 creativity-building toys that got tech integration right

6 Smart Tech Toys For Kids

Best Smart Toys for Kids: incorporating technology in a meaningful way

The AAP recommends that children should engage with entertainment media for no more than one or two hours (of high-quality content only) per day, and we agree that young children learn best by interacting with people and real objects, not screens. It’s more important that for kids to spend time on outdoor play, reading, hobbies, and using their imaginations in free play.

Regardless, tech toys can be powerful learning tools if and only if the technology is integrated in a way that engages the child as an active participant in learning, not a passive recipient of entertainment. If the child can interact and manipulate the virtual environment, it gets our stamp of approval for that “high quality content” allotted time.

Here are our picks for toys that have integrated technology in an effective and educational way.

#1 – Tiggly (various products, ages range 2-8)
Tiggly toys interact with an iOS or Android app to help kids develop their fine motor and spatial reasoning skills alongside their language, math, and creative skills. Help kids learn about shapes AND computers by blending of the physical and digital world!
Best tech toys for kids

Tiggly Shapes: 2 to 5 years
Tiggly Math: 3 to 7 years
Tiggly Words: 4 to 8 yearsThe conductive silicone is safe not only for your child but also for your tablet (and very compatible with screen protectors, if you’re still worried). This is one of the few app-enabled children’s products that we have found to be beneficial due to the hands-on interaction required.
#2 – Crayola Easy Animator (ages 6-8)
Kids can essentially create custom animated videos using  their own coloring book characters . Tracking markers recognize different poses of the mannequin, so that the character they color is tracked onto the motion of the mannequin. This means that the background and the kids themselves are not included in the final video.
Technology toys
Includes: 30-page booklet for character designs
poseable mannequin, mannequin stand, device stand,
12 Twistable Colored Pencils
Easy Animator app(iOs and Android)Although the characters cannot actually walk from place to place and change expressions, for this you will need:
#3 – OgoBild Animate (ages 6+)
Kids can learn to build, direct and share their own animated films with this kit that combines OgoBILD constructive toys with the stop motion animation software from Aardman Animation Studios (the premier UK education stop-motion animation software and creator of Wallace and Gromit and Chicken run)
STEM toys for kids
103 OgoBILD pieces, 1 Webcam, 1 step by step guide book and 1 certificate for a free download of the Aardman Animate It! Express software (available for Mac and Windows).
#4 – Ozobot (ages 10+)
Ozobots are programmable robots designed to entertain while delivering life skills through creative play and gamified learning.
Robotics toys for kids
A truly engaging robot – since it can see colors, follow lines and detect intersections on shapes, there are hundreds of possible tasks that you can challenge your Ozobot to complete.
We are always searching for great new toys that promote the critical thinking and problem solving skills that are crucial for STEM learning. Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set from Learning Resources allows kids to build a maze from foundation to walls, then use included coding cards to develop a step-by-step path for the programmable robot mouse. As the mouse does not depend upon the maze itself to navigate, kids can utilize the 30 coding cards or create their own obstacles for the mouse to navigate. Colby, the Programmable Robot Mouse also lights-up, makes sounds, and features 2 speeds for easy programming and sequencing. 16 maze grids, 22 maze walls, and 3 tunnels provide an endless array of new maze possibilities.
Coding toys for kids
-rudimentary basics of programming
-problem-solving skills
-critical and analytical thinking
-if/then and cause/effect logic
-spacial concepts
-collaborative teamwork and communication skills
A phenomenal way to introduce young kids to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts that is fun, engaging, and educational. Code and Go is the winner of the ASTRA (American Specialty Toy Retailing Association) Best Toys for Kids 2016 award in the Learning Play Category.
We feel that these tech toys are powerful learning tools. But don’t forget to mix in some active play!
Meet the first mixed reality mobile game – Brave Explorers.
A brand new company called Foxtail Games has invented an updated version of LEGOs that integrates physical toy sets with a unique mobile app that lets kids create amazing augmented reality experiences.
Brave Explorers is an innovative, exciting, and creative gaming experience that lets players use physical toy sets that players can manipulate in the real world to create virtual levels that they can save and share with friends.
It’s as fun to play as Super Mario Bros, with the added element of physical game pieces.
Best technology toys
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Best LEGO Alternatives
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Christmas themed audiobooks for kids
Best rocking horses for toddlersThank you for reading about great toys that incorporate digital technology. Amazon affiliate links are provided for your convenience, which helps support this site at no additional cost to you. Learn more about us here.